Sunday, March 9, 2008

Following Up On Some Issues...Nothing Too Exciting

I think I forgot to mention that my atty filed for full custody on January 24th. Did I tell you that? Well, the courts cashed her filing fee check on Feb 13th. And to this day she has not received ANY paperwork from them. She called me this past week and said that she called the court's clerk office and they told her that they are so backlogged that they haven't even started the second half of January's filings paperwork yet. Nice. So at this point it's going to be Like July before we even see anyone from the court.

Once she gets the paperwork (let's think optimistically and think that will be around the end of MAY) Once Randy is served, he has 30 days to even answer and retain now we are in June before he even responds to this on the record.

What a mess. I have no real reason to tell you this, other then the fact that I am ticked that it has taken this long so far and nothing has been done. For those of you that recall, Ty had an episode of explaining to me that he was choked by Randy in November, after going several days with a broken collar bone while in his custody, and then I found out some other really disturbing information about him that enabled me to take emergency custody of Ty around Christmas time.

I have had Ty in with a therapist about every 2 weeks since all of this has happened. He seems to be doing well, and he LOVES his therapist.

Anyway, moving on........

You know you are a major geek and are getting old when you go to the grocery store and fiber supplements are on sale. Seriously. I felt almost gitty then I found that. According to my surgeon, he told me that I needed to increase my intake of fiber. We'll see if that helps anything.

Daylights Savings Time:

I would like to thank my MIL who so graciously called us last night to remind Nate and myself that it was DST last night. Yeah, I was thrilled to know that I would have to report to work an hour earlier then I initially anticipated. Great.

Financial Update:

So, the recent surgery for Nate set us back a bit on paying some things off with our tax refund. And then I will be going at least a week and a half without pay at all in 2 weeks. So, we were discussing yesterday what exactly we would be doing for vacation this year. We were planning on going to Honduras before he needed to have surgery. Actually, with when we were planning to go, yesterday would have been our last day there. We were thinking of going in August or September, but we can't with Ty's Kindergarten. Bummer. I told Nate that I don't mind not taking a "major" vacation this tear if it meant us moving sooner.

Randy is taking Ty for his weeks vacation with Ty the week of the fourth of July...I thought maybe we could go somewhere just the 2 of us then, but we'll see I guess.

We were able to pay off one bill with our refund though. We were hoping and planning on using it for 3 bills, but one is better then none, right?

I don't know what I am going to do if I can't work a full time job when Ty goes to school next year. The before and after school program is ALREADY full for next year and Ty is on the waiting list. I certainly can't work if I don't have child care, and some places that I have called are like $130 to $175 a WEEK! I'm sorry, but I almost refuse to pay up to $700 a month for AFTER school care. That's more then our RENT. We will just have to wait and see how things unfold with all that mess.

So that's about all I have to day right now. I am working today and in the morning when I get off I have to race down to Baltimore to pick Ty up for preschool tomorrow. I HATE getting off at 7am, driving to baltimore to get Ty back up to preschool by 9am. Bummer.

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