Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Let's put it in one word...Frustrated.

So, I am frustrated.  I historically have not had an awesome track record from dealing with stress.  Stress to me is such a loose word.  You hear people say every day "oh I am so stressed out." And then you find that they are bitching about the fact that their coffee had too much cream and it threw off their whole day.  If I say that I am stressed out, it's for good reason.

For reasons that I wish to not elaborate at the moment, I can't stand my job.  I get sick to my stomach when I have to go into work.  But only on one day.  The other day I am delighted to be getting paid to do what I do.  I have taken it up with management to resolve the issues that I have and they have gone ignored.  Every person that I work with, with the exception of ONE person is having the same issues; however, the boss feels as if he ignores the issues, they will simply go away.  Well, news flash.  Sooner or later, the only thing going away are his employees.  

So, that's that.

Then, I was hit with the BLOW that my hard to find ball busting awesome attorney told me yesterday that she is leaving private practice.  The whole file that I just re opened with her will go to trial without her.  I have to find a new attorney.  This makes me sad for several reasons.  First off...she knows everything about me and the case, it will be hard to build the relationship that I have with her, with someone else.  Secondly...she's cheap.  This is what is leading me to believe that she is leaving. She is burned out.  I would bet any amount of money on that.  So, I am upset and stressed about finding an equally good attorney.  PLUS I will have to give a retainer to another atty that will be in the ballpark of 1 to 2 thousand dollars.  Yeah, I have that in my back pocket.

Also, I have been spending mad amounts of money on medical bills for Ty.  Between his collar bone and recent illnesses, Randy's insurance is by far the WORST I have come to find and I have been spending about an average of $200 a month for the past few months for him.  Keep in mind that with his preschool being $290 a month, I have NO extra money in child support to help with these expenses.  And I got a bill in the mail today from a doc for over $40.  Tomorrow he has an appointment and that's a $40 co-pay...and in 2 weeks he has an appointment that will be another $40.

So like I said...I am frustrated and just generally stressed out at the current moment.


Living the dream: I think I will pray for the copayment fairy to pay me a visit tonight.

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