Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sleepy Sunday

There are benefits and there are downfalls to working 24 hour shifts. The main drawback that I have found is that when you are busy overnight, you sleep the next day during the day, and then it throws your whole wake/sleeping schedule off for several days after...just in time for you to work another 24 hour shift again. This is the case with today.

I came home yesterday morning from my shift so sleepy that I slept until 3pm yesterday after noon. So, where was I at 2am this morning? Cross stiching in my living room, wide awake. When I got out of bed this morning I thought I was going to get sick because I was so tired. My shower woke me up well enough to get to work...but I was hoping to lay down not too soon after I got here. 7:08 the pager goes off. Darn. And now, I am waiting for my chart to upload on the computer here so I can close it out and go lay down. This stinks.

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