That's how I classified my past patient so far today. It's just been one of those days.
First I left the house with Nate's phone instead of mine.
Then our first call of the day I drove to the wrong address. It's like I completely ignored the dispatched address and went to where I wanted to go instead. (It was an older folks retirement apartment complex. We have 2 in our first due are and I decided to go to the opposite one)
And THEN on the second call of the day we had to go into our FOURTH due area to where I don't know which end is up and took 20 minutes to find the blasted place.
It's just not getting better.
In lighter seems as though I have been accepted by the "head" preschool mom now. There is this women that just has never been able to make eye contact with me, and she always seems to be planning all this extra stuff outside of school for the kids and what not and she will speak right in front of me, but not TOO me. I accepted the fact that because I didn't drive a Range Rover or a Volvo I wouldn't be accepted, but please. So, last week Nate decided to come up to the school with me to pick Ty up, and while we were in the waiting area to get our kiddo's this women walks right up to Nate and starts speaking to him. Well, when Ty came running up to him she was just like..."oh, is this your son?" And Nate said, "no, he's my step son." and then that's when I stepped beside Nate and just looked at her and squinched my nose and smiled.
Let me put it to you this way, by the end of the conversation we were invited to her pizza party next week. And just for giggles I am going only with TY. I laughed all the way to the car to Nate...isn't it funny how NO ONE talked to me the ENTIRE school year ( which is half over by the way) until NATE comes in with me and suddenly now we are being invited to things? Hmmmm.
I am amused.
I am deeply amused.
Nate thinks I am crazy.
Moving on.... I got an e mail from my atty today. She stated that she sent me the modification for custody 8 days ago and she had yet to hear from me. Well maybe that's because I never got it. So she re sent it. It's brilliant. Randy is going to be ticked.
Ty has his first apmt with the therapist alone this past week. I am not too happy. I am getting the impression that he thought I came to him pulling my hair out not knowing what to do with this child behavior wise, and that simply is not the case.
We'll give it some time to see what happens.
Nate and I drove Ty down to his "new" house last night for the first time. It was further away then I thought. Now, it was snowing when we went, so it took about an additional 4o min from his old house, but I can translate that to an additional 20-25 minutes each way. Sorry. I am not liking that at all.
Living the Dream:'s even more expensive to deal with then therapy....
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