Sunday, January 20, 2008


I don't think I appreciate my husband enough. I don't know where this is coming from this morning, but I am thinking about how he worked last night and the night before, and how he has to work again this evening and then again tomorrow. I only work 2 days a week. I know that I still make over 40 hours a week, but it allows me to be at our house and get things done.

Lately I have been slacking on laundry...I have been griping about the dishes, and I have been complaining about how "messy" the house is. Well, what am I doing when I am home? I pick up and try to keep up with things, but I have let my OCD tendencies fall by the wayside. I found myself expending just way too much energy trying to keep things 'just so." And it was SO much easier when it was just my stuff to keep in order, Nate has 3 times the amount of things that I had. Plus my laundry has become more complicated. I had a precise plan. I only had white towels so when I washed my whites, I would also be washing my towels. So alas, I had only 2 loads of laundry to do a week. Then came Nate.

Nate has colored towels, and unlike myself he will only use a towel once. This created a LOT of laundry. So, now I have one load just for towels. Nate has scrubs that need to be washed in hot water. So, that's 2 loads. Nate has the occasional hand wash stuff that needs to be washed separately, load #3, then we have the whites, and then we have the colors. So I have increased my loads from 2 to about 5. It's hard to keep up with.

I love my husband. I love him so much, but he also has a dish washing deficiency. I mentioned to him the other day about how I wish he would at least rinse the dishes off before putting them in the sink. On the days that I work and he eats I come home to crusty dishes, and since there is no dishwasher I spend a lot more time and my elbow grease cleaning them. He has been great at rinsing them since I mentioned this to him. I guess he just never thought about it. But at the end of the day I guess I shouldn't complain. And he does do them on occasion, and he cooks more then the average male too, so there I REALLY shouldn't complain.

He is awesome with making sure the bills are paid on time and that we always have a nice variety of netflix movies coming our way...he works 5-6 days a week. I just don't get why I am complaining.

Once Ty starts kindergarten it's really going to be tough. I will have to do the 5 day a week shuffle. I will have to get the dreaded Monday through Friday job...something I said I would never do. And then pay for after school care since kindergarten is only a half day here. I am so not looking forward to it. So, until I am out of the house 5 days a week to I feel like I have no grounds for complaining. I am starting to make myself feel bad. Nate has been very good to Ty and I. I hope he knows how much I appreciate him.

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