Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Mo Money...

Ah ha! My clever prediction about my ex complaining about money came much sooner then I thought.

Ty has a birthday party tomorrow at 1pm and it's supposed to last until 3pm. (you see, invited to one vent at the JCC and suddenly we are popular!) I told Randy that if I leave the party promptly at 3pm that will place me in prime rush hour traffic on the baltimore beltway. I simply asked (kindly) if he could meet me somewhere closer to his old house so I won't want to fight 83 traffic AND 95 traffic.

"I don't know Stacey, between having to come up to York twice a week and working in DC I just don't have the gas money for this..."

My reply...

"well you decided that was fine for the custody arrangement and YOU decided to move further away from York so please explain to me how that is my problem?"

You see...I meet him down 83 weekly to help him out. I am not required to...I just do it because I would rather not hear him bitching about driving all the way up to my house.

Once, just once I ask him to meet me and suddenly it's an issue.

I can't wait for him to get served. Actually that was something that I had hoped would happen while I had Ty during this past week. I don't know what's taking the courts this long to let him become aware of my intentions.

It seems that he has also decided to go back to school. As a matter of face being asked to leave the paramedic program not once, but twice now has let him to believe that maybe he should consider changing ideas on career paths. Yes, it seems that Randall has decided the world of nursing is calling his name.

I literally laughed out loud when he told me. Call me ignorant, but when he did, instead of hearing an encouraging "good for you!" or "wow, what a great idea!" He got a snide..."what makes you think you can do nursing when you can't even handle paramedicine?" The clinicals alone he couldn't handle...that's what got him kicked out of paramedic school and nursing has 3 times as many requirements. But, classic Randy is not blaming himself for his failures in the was the administration of the program...and the nursing program has different administration. Okey Dokey. Yeah. Why am I hearing the Barnum & Bailey Circus Theme in the backround when I think about Randy and college?

But! Alas! All the more reason why he CAN'T have Ty...because now he will have school and clinicals almost every night of the week.


I might actually find myself being wrong at this point because like any spiteful ex wife I should figure this is two-fold for me. For one..if he fails (most likely outcome) then I get to mock the idea of him trying to better himself in the third failed attempt. However, if he does actually succeed...then I can take him back to court and get more support since he will be making TONS more money... :) There, you see...two fold.

In other news, Nate got a call from an old friend this past week and made me realize that our plans will be carried out. I listened as he explained our entire plan to move to the Islands as soon as possible. It was nice to hear Nate tell someone else for a change.

We prepared our taxes for last year and let me say that it was SO nice to have Ty as a deduction. Luckily, even before Nate met me he was claiming zero on his taxes. I can't believe how much money he made. I am not used to seeing such high numbers. Last year when I prepared my taxes, my adjusted gross income was $11,000. Now it's nearly ten times that, and we still get a refund since we both have claimed zero and we have Ty and all of Nates student loans.

So we will be paying off the 3 smallest credit cards that we have and that will leave only 4 (or 5 maybe?) more...but they have the largest balances. But paying off the smaller one's will allow us to put an additional $300 a month towards the higher cards. I feel like this will be a never ending race.

We have been discussing a baby. Not as much as I would like to...but maybe that's a good thing because literally one day I feel like I would give anything to be pregnant, and then the next I thank God that I am not. I am so bipolar when it comes to that.

Ty has been even better this week then he was last. He makes me want to have 4 more kids...but then I think about how nice it is to have couple time, and that's time we won't have with a baby since neither of us have family or really close friends to help out. And then what if the baby isn't healthy, and so many other normal concerns. I am giving myself an ulcer about it and we are not even being serious about talking about even trying.

I am just afraid that one day, 20 years from now I am going to wake up and regret not having any more. Trust me, I feel very fortunate to have Ty...and it's not that I don't appreciate having him, but I don't know if I want him to be an only child. I have always thought that once I am 30...I would be done having children...and that's 2 1/2 years away. To some that may seem like a lifetime, but it really is just around the corner.

Living the dream: I am getting old. How can I ensure that I will wake up and have no regrets? I guess that is impossible...

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